Time just showed 7:00 o'clock in the morning, although slept at 3 last night but I don't know what kind of particular things wake me out in the early morning of my B.day. The Morning atmosphere did I felt today, is absolutely different from the morning did I got in my normal day. As a planned did I put on with Chia wei last 2 days ago, in this morning I'll go to clinic with him and dyana in purposing of making an appointment with doctor for my HCIU project. After from there, Cia take me back home whereas they continue went to campus for join the ICCG Game Party. Starting to prepare my self and while other's are finished, we started went to BB at 1. Lunch at Food and Tea, Times Square with Steward, Jensen, Devy & Andrew. Right after the lunch, Jensen went to Borders, Steward & Devy go for checking a travel agency instead of Me & Andrew went to Pavilion for collecting the Movies ticket which have been booked by Mahe last a few days ago. Today we saw a Batman the dark knight, 2 & 1/2 duration movie's and overall of the movies is not really exciting for me, most of it are do in conversation rather than an action. At 7.40 we finished our movies and waiting for the other's before go for a dinner.
Finally, the dinner started at 8.45 late for 45 minute from the planning time which should be on 8. In this dinner party, we are coming by a special guest which are not joined in our gang member and he is.... " Kok Soon... " Hahaha. Here are the particular photos from a dinner party started until the end :
Overall, I'm very appreciate for the B'day cakes & the present as well and thank you very much for the wishing and you guys participant for my Birthday,Danke. Love all you guys.....
Roll out,
1 comment:
ye.. my first cake was given forcefully. Hoho...
Anyway, it's a good outing, especially during stresfull deadline of project. =D
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